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Dr Elly Packham 

C H I R O P R A C T O R 

Originally from Perth, Western Australia, my journey started back in 2010 when I stumbled into this amazing thing called chiropractic, it impacted my life so much after many years travelling the globe, I settled in beautiful Aotearoa to follow my dream, graduating from the world-renowned New Zealand College of Chiropractic.


I am passionate about igniting the body's ability to heal and empowering my people to join me on a more sustainable journey of health. I LOVE working with families to be the healthiest version of them self to get the most out of life. Although my real passion is working with the younger members of our community, I believe that every child should have the opportunity to get their nervous system checked & adjusted to start life clear & connected! 


I am very grateful for the incredible experiences I have had to connect & adjust remote communities around the world such as Haiti, Dominican Republic & Rarotonga. These incredible experiences have shaped who I am as a chiropractor and shown me the importance of connection & comm-UNITY. I believe that everyone should have access to chiropractic & this sense of community is the essence of Native Chiropractic. 


If I am not at Native you will find me in mama mode exploring with my tiny human, playing in the veggie garden or creating nourishing food.


I love the Sumner community and I look forward to you being a part of ours here at Native Chiropractic.




Dr Emily Neil
C H I R O P R A C T O R 

I have wanted to be a chiropractor since I first went to see one myself at 14 years old. I was so amazed at the positive impact that it had on my life, that I immediately wanted to know how I could also help others to experience the same. I have been practicing in Canterbury since completing my studies at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic.  


Through my career in chiropractic I have had the privilege of seeing how amazing the body can be when allowed to communicate, heal and function in the way it was designed to. I am so passionate about helping people of all ages and stages thrive and be the best versions of themselves. 


When I am not at the practice I’m usually being creative in sewing or pottery or out exploring and swimming.


My own experiences with chiropractic, health and working with families have shown me how important it is to be in a community with like-minded, supportive and vibrant people. I am so excited to be a part of the Sumner community and be a part of your health journey. 


C H I R O P R A C T I C    A S S I S T A N T  

Natural health has been an intrinsic part of my life growing up; from homeopathy to growing veggies, sand castles and walking on the beach.…. have a deep appreciation for what nature offers us as well as the regenerative capabilities of our bodies when we provide the environment for this to happen.

My interests currently lie in furthering my knowledge around somatic practice, arts
therapy and nutrition, and the threads that weave between them.

I have a background in dance, and will find myself unconsciously moving to a beat (any beat) which may or may not be in my head… otherwise you'll find me reading in a patch of sunshine or fussing over my plant babies or sticking my feet in the ocean.

I do enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, and absolutely love those authentic connection moments with others. Fejoas, dark chocolate, espresso coffee and herbal teas are some of my favs, while op-shopping is my jam. If you bring out the scrabble board we might have a bit of friendly competition!

Thank you to the team for bringing me into the fold - I am truly grateful to be able to participate in the magic here at Native and I absolutely love supporting your wellness.

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